Baby Eclectic

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Toilet training accomplished, what's next?

Surely he jests! Well, only in a sense. You may have already heard of the growing practice around diaperless babies, thanks to infant toilet training. Turns out that this is nothing new, just an ancient wisdom that western culture 'convenienced' itself out of. Anybody who's been watered by the Young Faithful geyser that eminates from baby boys when they feel fresh air has wondered whether junior did that on purpose. Again, in a sense, they're right. Babies know when they go, we just train it out of them, especially with modern diapers that don't even feel wet and uncomfortable, just warm and soft... (the gel-filled diapers actually undergo an exothermic reaction as they soak up water, making baby's butt warm and comfy).

So, the official Ancient Chinese Secret to this practice is to immediately after every feeding, perch baby's butt on the edge of the potty, lift her legs, and stroke her belly while saying 'pisssssss'. Now, the Chinese just say 'ssss', but I couldn't resist one small modification.
Grandma Chan had advised we start this once she was several weeks old, but when Ruthie gave several clear cues before polluting her very first bath, we decided to begin the field trials.
During week one, we were about 50% successful at the throne, and now in week 2, it's edging on 75%. I calculated (yes, I actually did) that the activity only saves @ $4.20 per hour in avoided diaper costs, but the avoided changes, diaper rash, and pain to Ruthie is priceless, plus, there is significant entertainment value.

We are leaving her in diapers as insurance, but hope to be actually soiling relatively few of them...


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